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✧ Community✧

Citizen’s awareness and response to COVID-19 could surely be the big stepping stone to rid the virus completely. However, in practice, there are those who still don’t wear masks, those who hang out in large groups, and even those who don’t improve their cleaning habits/hygiene. These actions, though seemingly trivial and “not a big deal” when implemented together can create a huge difference. Proper masks and good hygiene have to be done simultaneously in order to slow the spread of COVID- 19. 


WHO Community Guide 

  • Avoid frequenting closed crowded spaces

  • Maintain a distance of at least 1 meter from any individual with symptoms (e.g., coughing, sneezing);

  • Perform hand hygiene frequently

  • Cover nose and mouth on flexed elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing, immediately throw away tissue, and practice hand hygiene

  • Refrain from touching mouth and nose

  • A medical mask is not required, make sure to wear an appropriate mask that covers the nose and mouth


Mask Management 

  • Place mask covering mouth and nose and tie securely to minimise any gaps between the face and the mask

  • Avoid touching the mask when wearing it

  • Remove the mask not by touching the front but remove the lace from behind

  • If you accidentally touch it as well as after removing it, clean hands by using an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water if visibly soiled

  • As soon as masks become damp replace masks with a new clean, dry one

  • DO NOT re-use single-use masks, discard them after each use, and dispose of them immediately after removal.

References,of%202019%2DnCov. )

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